Download Lynda Full Course in One Click

How to download Lynda Professional Courses directly to your PC?

If you are using the trial Lynda Premium account valid for a specific duration, after that period it’s obvious that you will be restricted to watch new courses or any previously accessed course until you renew the subscription. However, during your active subscription, if you find any course to be valuable, now you can use a perfect technical way out to download it locally on your PC.  Give it a try, it’s easy.

Today we will be learning a new trick by which we can download our favorite Lynda courses directly to our PC or laptop forever.

Let me walk you through easy steps to follow:

    1. Open Google Chrome Browser and click on three vertical dots at top right corner and select More ToolsExtensions – Click Chrome Web Store.
    2. Chrome Web Store will open in a new tab.
    3. Search for “Cookies.txt One Click” offered by Anthony Anaya and click Add to Chrome. It will be added to the Google Chrome toolbar.
    4. Download the Youtube-dl.exe utility from the link and save it in a folder on C Drive.
    5. Open Command Prompt as administrator and enter into the location where Youtube-dl.exe file is saved.
    6. Login to with your Premium Account and select your favorite course you wish to download.
    7. Click the Cookies.txt Extention at the top right and choose Download All Cookies to download the cookie.txt file.
    8. Save this file in the same folder where Youtube-dl.exe utility is saved.
    9. Now finally copy the below command and paste it into the command prompt. Then copy the web address of the course (https:// till .html, not the complete address) you wish to download.

To download in Command Prompt, Open cmd in Administrator Mode: 

C:\Lynda\>(now copy the below command and paste here)

Youtube-dl --download-archive archive.txt --cookies cookies.txt -o "C:\Lynda\%(playlist_index)s - %(title)s.%(ext)s" --playlist-start 1 --all-subs

To download in specific resolution e.g., 360p or 540p or 720p, simply type -f format code in the last. For example: To download in 720p, the command would become:

Youtube-dl --download-archive archive.txt --cookies cookies.txt -o "C:\Lynda\%(playlist_index)s - %(title)s.%(ext)s" --playlist-start 1 --all-subs -f "best[height=720]"

Note: You can select 540 and 360 as well at the end above.

If you want to check the formats available, you can use the switch –list-formats in end of the command:

Youtube-dl --download-archive archive.txt --cookies cookies.txt -o "C:\Lynda\%(playlist_index)s - %(title)s.%(ext)s" --playlist-start 1 --all-subs --list-formats

Format code – Extension Resolution note
0-360 – mp4 – 360p
1-360 – mp4 – 360p
0-540 – mp4 – 540p
1-540 – mp4 – 540p
0-720 – mp4 – 720p
1-720 – mp4 – 720p (best)

Press Ctrl C to stop it and use the desired format to replace –list-format with it.

Youtube-dl --download-archive archive.txt --cookies cookies.txt -o "C:\Lynda\%(playlist_index)s - %(title)s.%(ext)s" --playlist-start 1 --all-subs -f 0-720

To download in Powershell, open it in Administrator mode: C:\Lynda\> (now copy the below command and paste here)

.\Youtube-dl --download-archive archive.txt --cookies cookies.txt -o "C:\Lynda\%(playlist_index)s - %(title)s.%(ext)s" --playlist-start 1 --all-subs

Note: Replace “” with your favorite course address starting from “https till .html“.

Facing errors while running the command, do check out the fix:

If you encounter an error message “The program can’t start because MSVCR100.dll is missing from your computer. Try the below-mentioned steps to resolve it:

Youtube-dl requires the following prerequisite to work:

a) If you are using 32 Bit Operating System, install Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86), restart your system, and retry the above Youtube-dl command.

I have included the Live Demo of all the above steps, I hope if you are facing any issues, the tutorial will help you:

Supported Websites Youtube-dl can download from:

Thanks a ton for reading my blog, please do Subscribe our Youtube Channel for more upcoming videos like this.

Ajey Kumar Gupta
(Exchange Admin)

Must Read:

a) Create Premium Account for 1 Year

b) How to create Linkedin Learning Premium Account for free? 

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